eBooksherpa.com is a eBook retailer, As an e-Bookstore, We sell ebooks direct to millions of consumers in the US. You can read our ebooks online, or download them to a vast array of devices, using an Ebook Reader apps.


Our Purpose

To use the power of emerging technology to make books more accessible and cheaper for everyone, so that one day everyone in the world will have ready access to the world of books.

Our Values

Wake Up. Be Awesome. Repeat.

We believe that working hard is actually the result of a great attitude and passion for living each day at our best.

We Eat the Stinky Cheese

We have a curious mind, and we never stop learning. In fact, our desire to learn and grow is so strong that we will even try new things that don’t look so appealing at first glance.

Kick Some Moon Dust

We believe that to really be great, you must be willing to go where no one has ever gone before. To do this requires an ownership thinking mentality, hard work, determination, and a can-do attitude.

No Donkeys

We know life is too short to work with, or do business with, those that think and act like donkeys.